Tired of dull knives?


Work FASTER, increase PRODUCTIVITY, and NEVER WORRY about your Team’s cutlery again!

  Immediately increase safety and productivity within your business!

  Our knife exchange program is the answer to ensuring that the knives in your workplace are preforming at their best.

  This program is designed with restaurants and all commercial food preparation industries in mind with our hassle-free personal delivering and on-site exchange by one of our smiths.


  We cover all of your sharpening and honing needs, specializing in premium whetstone sharpening for all artisan forged knives. 

  Whether its shears, scissors, chisels, communal kitchen knives or that priceless hand-forged Japanese knife — we can put a razor-sharp edge on your tools, today!


  If you’ve ever worked with a sharp knife, then the answer is clear. Sharp knives make any kitchen task easier, faster and more pleasant – but did you know a sharp knife is much safer to use than a dull one?

  Chefs and kitchen workers know this to be true, but today we have research to prove it. The scientific reason for this phenomenon has to do with something called force exposure.

  The sharper your blade, the less downward force you must use to cut whatever it is you’re using the knife on. The duller your blade, the harder you have to push down to make a cut. The harder you press, the more likely your knife is to slip or get out of control.

  So, if your knife slips as you’re pushing in an attempt to cut through a vegetable or piece of meat, you’re more likely to cause significant injury if the blade comes into contact with your skin.

  Beyond the phenomenon of force exposure, a sharp knife is less likely to cause orthopedic and musculoskeletal problems. The force necessary to use a dull knife can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, sprains, strains and other repetitive motion problems.

  Sharp knives also allow you to complete your cutting tasks about 40 percent more quickly than a dull knife.

Finally, if you do accidentally cut yourself with a sharp knife, the cut will have clean edges. A clean cut often heals almost instantly, if you clean it and apply a clean bandage. A dull knife, on the other hand, creates a jagged wound more like a tear than a cut. These wounds, if severe, often require stitches.